Our Pets Leave Pawprints in Our Hearts

Lawndale Pet Hospital understands that losing a pet is never easy. We are pet owners too and have experienced the sadness and grief that accompany the passing of a four-legged member of our family.

Finding closure and memorializing your pet can help both to say a final goodbye and to create a lasting memory of his or her character and life.

Light a Candle — In many cultures, the lighting of a candle is done in memory or in honor of a lost loved one.

Pet Memorials — Writing a memorial can be an excellent way of sharing the best memories of your pet and his or her character. In addition to celebrating your pet’s life, a memorial can help to bring closure and remember the best qualities and time spent with your pet.

Below you'll find an opportunity to commemorate your pet through our site by submitting a photo and memorial statement so that everyone can see just how special they were!

If you find you need greater grieving support, Lawndale Pet Hospital can provide you with the contact information for area grief support groups as well.

Pet's Name:
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